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ReImagine Your Library

We are renovating!

We are renovating!!!   See our draft plan here!

CLOSED DEC 2- request for qualifications:  Wells Branch Community Library District is soliciting qualifications for Construction Manager at Risk services for the renovation of our current 16,000sf library building at 15001 Wells Port Drive, Austin. The project will include enclosing exterior breezeways to create an entry lobby, quiet reading space, and storage, renovating and updating both public and staff spaces, and all related electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems.  Interested parties may obtain a packet of materials that includes detailed information on the project and qualifications by e-mail from the Library (, or design firm ( beginning on October 21, 2024. The full RFQ is posted on the library website at    Interested parties must respond by completing the Request for Qualifications forms and providing the information requested in the packet of materials provided by the District.  All responses must be sealed, and must be received by and be in possession of the District no later than 2:00 p.m. on December 2, 2024.

Final Addendum