Follow these steps to begin your family history search.
Start with what you already know. Use a family tree or ancestor chart to document information you already know.
Ask family members. Gather more information through family interviews, conversations, emails, etc.
Find a recent ancestor you would like to investigate. Determine the specific information that you want to find (i.e. birthdate, birth place, date of death, etc.). This will help you focus your search.
Search through records to find your ancestors. View images of records when available. (See notes on each database for any costs.)
HeritageQuest - Access provided for free by the library. Sign in with your library card, click TexShare Databases, then select HeritageQuest to get started. - Census, military, vital records, and more maintained by the Church of Latter Day Saints. Access to records is free. Free account required in order to save documents & family tree online. Church membership not required. - Searchable database of records. Build your family tree online. Subscription fee required for access.
Find A Grave- Database of American gravesites searchable by name. Records created & maintained by volunteers. Free to access. Free account required in order to add or change records.
Ellis Island Passenger Lists - Free database listing immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, New York between 1892 and 1924.